Today I was cleaning my computer and SD photo card, where Ifound some old pictures of minis - probably more than one and a half year old. As usually in those cases you would do a lot of things different. I thougt than that I painted good, but when I look today at them - uuuuhhh... there is so much details that I could do...
Well anyway, we live and we learn... :)
C&J painters vault
sreda, 1. avgust 2012
sreda, 18. julij 2012
Warhammer Ogre Butcher
Warhammer Ogre Butcher
I painted this one a week ago more than a half, but than I received some commisions which were of course priorities, so I finished it yet now. For the first time I used Amry painters snow. As I have seen the glue should be quite thick or else the snow looks flat.
I painted this one a week ago more than a half, but than I received some commisions which were of course priorities, so I finished it yet now. For the first time I used Amry painters snow. As I have seen the glue should be quite thick or else the snow looks flat.
petek, 13. julij 2012
Malifaux Lady Justice alternative
As I said I did also lady justice alternative. I used for the first time glue + red tamya wash for blood. It is really nice effect and with a drop of badab black very similar to real blood. I trayed to use some vallejo paints for blood but none was even close to it.
I put a the base a corpse which is eaten from a metallic animal - which is acctually rough woodlouse. So lady justice did her job and cutt off tieffs head. Corpse had follen over the rocks where it was eaten by mentioned animal.
As I said I did also lady justice alternative. I used for the first time glue + red tamya wash for blood. It is really nice effect and with a drop of badab black very similar to real blood. I trayed to use some vallejo paints for blood but none was even close to it.
I put a the base a corpse which is eaten from a metallic animal - which is acctually rough woodlouse. So lady justice did her job and cutt off tieffs head. Corpse had follen over the rocks where it was eaten by mentioned animal.
Malifaux Wyrd Miniatures painted
I painted five of Malifauxs minis: Austringer, Scales of Justice, Santiago and Nino Ortega Gunslinger and Exrocist. I just need a few minutes to finish also Alternative Lady Justice. Painting was fun, especeally Santiago Ortega - it is great model - you can see without any problems what had a sculptor in his mind.
I painted five of Malifauxs minis: Austringer, Scales of Justice, Santiago and Nino Ortega Gunslinger and Exrocist. I just need a few minutes to finish also Alternative Lady Justice. Painting was fun, especeally Santiago Ortega - it is great model - you can see without any problems what had a sculptor in his mind.
nedelja, 8. julij 2012
Malifauy Guild team
That are some malifaux wyrd minis painitng as a comission work. Malifaux has a nice minis, just sometimes some partd of body are so thniny that it is hard to glue them properly on a body. Well, you can glue them, but sending them as such it can be risky work. Newertheless, at the moment I'm working on alternative lady justice.
Oh, they need all the foliage on a bases :)
ponedeljek, 18. oktober 2010
Wyrd Malifaux Judge, Peacekeeper and Lady Justice

I owe you some pictures of recently painted Malifaux's Judge, Peacekeeper and Lady Justice. Judge and Justice are a bit small (tiny) models, but Peacekeeper is huge - fine :). The bad side of Peacekeeper are his extremites - long and thin arms, which are difficult to attach to the body. Because of those thiny arms it is quite ungrateful for shipping... Damn post!
They were painted for my friend James from Arizone, USA.
Nekaj slik o treh Malifauxovih figurah, ki sem jih pobarval že pred časom, a jih nisem obesil na blog. Luštne figurice, čeprav Justice in Judge rahlo predrobni (zame), medtem ko je Peacekeeper pravi velikan. Težave pri njem so pri rokah, ki so izredno tanke, zato jih je potrebno pritrditi z zatičem (pin). Figura s tako štrlečimi rokami je zelo nehvaležna za pošiljanje, kar se je izkazalo tudi v praksi, ko je naslovnik prejel figurico s polomljenimi rokami. In to kljub dobri zaščiti v stiroporju! Ah ta pošta...
Nekaj slik o treh Malifauxovih figurah, ki sem jih pobarval že pred časom, a jih nisem obesil na blog. Luštne figurice, čeprav Justice in Judge rahlo predrobni (zame), medtem ko je Peacekeeper pravi velikan. Težave pri njem so pri rokah, ki so izredno tanke, zato jih je potrebno pritrditi z zatičem (pin). Figura s tako štrlečimi rokami je zelo nehvaležna za pošiljanje, kar se je izkazalo tudi v praksi, ko je naslovnik prejel figurico s polomljenimi rokami. In to kljub dobri zaščiti v stiroporju! Ah ta pošta...
nedelja, 17. oktober 2010
Space Marines - Blood Angels Razorback
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